
据美国总统 & CEO 弗兰克·拉·萨拉回顾公司成立100天

By 存管连接 Staff | 5 minute read | November 29, 2022

弗兰克·拉·萨拉成为存的第八任总裁兼首席执行官, 包括前任公司的ceo和总裁, 8月12日, 2022. La萨拉, whose successful career has spanned more than three decades in financial services, recently spoke to 存管连接 on the occasion of his 100th day as CEO to share his insights on the firm, his thoughts for the coming year and 存’s plans to grow its role in the industry.


DC:祝贺你100岁th 担任总裁兼首席执行官. How have you focused your time during your first three months as CEO?

FL: 非常感谢. I thought it was important to dive deep into the organization, 在实地考察期间与员工交谈, 最近, 与客户互动, 监管机构, 咨询公司, 行业合作伙伴, 政策制定者和其他利益相关者. It’s been educational and exciting to learn from them and to share my own ideas about the firm and the opportunity I see for us to play a larger role supporting the industry and providing leadership on a wider range of issues in the future.


存的首席执行官 & 弗兰克·拉萨拉总统-坦帕

FL: 存 is a strong and vibrant organization that is performing well. 我们的客户信任我们, 我们每天都在兑现这一承诺, 多亏了这支才华横溢的专业团队. They bring deep subject matter expertise on a wide range of issues. However, I’ve been most impressed by our purpose-driven culture. It’s a major asset and a cornerstone of our organization, which we should never underestimate.


DC: You mentioned meeting with clients, 监管机构 and other stakeholders globally. What feedback did they give you and how will it shape 存’s strategy?

FL: Everyone has been open, honest and direct with me, which I appreciate. 我们已经谈了很多存在信任方面的声誉, 完整性和一致性, as well as our strong sense of purpose and the expertise we bring to market infrastructure issues. 客户告诉我,他们重视存, but they also said they have high expectations that we must meet. They want us to lead and move the industry forward by growing beyond our traditional role to help them manage a wider range of needs. They also want our firm to innovate by introducing new ideas, products and services. 他们希望获得最高价值的服务.

Q: The external environment is expected to be challenging in 2023. Can you talk about the headwinds facing the industry and 存?

FL: 我们在多个方面都遇到了阻力, including continued geopolitical and macroeconomic challenges. 大家都知道, 利率处于几十年来的最高水平, inflation remains a drag on growth and we may be facing a potential recession. We already see many clients taking steps to prepare for difficult times next year. On the regulatory front, we’re excited to help lead efforts to 加速在美国的结算到T+1我们正在研究美国.S. 证券交易委员会(SEC) 库务结算建议 为了理解它的影响. 这些对我们来说都是重要的机会, 但它们也会提高我们的主管的期望. 除了, 人才争夺战仍在全面展开, which will make retaining and recruiting the best people an area of intense focus for us next year.

DC: It sounds like we’re entering a period where uncertainty in the external environment will have a direct impact on the industry and 存.

FL:  完全正确. 这是一个拐点, 就像存过去的类似时刻一样, we’ll need to proactively evolve to propel us forward and define our role in the global marketplace of the future. This isn’t new because 存 has been evolving since its inception – and more so since the financial crisis – and it’s precisely during times like these that great organizations pull themselves up to the next level and elevate the work they do. 同时, we must balance that change with preserving the many positive attributes and qualities that make 存 special.

DC: The industry is also undergoing a digital transformation, which was accelerated by the pandemic. What’s your view on the role 存 can play in the digitalization of financial markets?

FL:  We’re committed to continuing to lead the industry’s digital transformation. 我们的数字战略是围绕两个关键支柱构建的. The first is centered on advancing ongoing digitization efforts, which will take 存’s capabilities to the next level by leveraging cloud, api,人工智能和机器学习. The second focuses on digital assets by identifying opportunities to develop innovative, 分布式账本带来的新商业模式, 智能合约和令牌化. 通过创建一个数字平台, we can expand our reach into adjacent areas to provide greater support to the industry while also establishing, governing and connecting networks to drive interoperability and avoid silos.   

Related: The Essential Role of FMIs in the Future of 数字资产

DC: You’ve been a strong proponent of 多样性, Equity and 包容 (DE&I)在你的职业生涯中. 为什么它对你如此重要,你的DE是什么&存的目标?

FL: I believe that the most successful companies are filled with people who have diverse viewpoints and who bring fresh perspectives to their roles. And I’m just as convinced that diversity without inclusion is meaningless – you must have both and ensure that everyone has a seat at the table and can be heard. This is why our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are so important. 它们代表着行动中的包容. In fact, when we speak about inclusion, it’s validated through the work of the ERGs. 这是我热衷的领域, and I’m looking forward to increasing our impact by maturing and advancing our Environmental, 社会与治理项目.

DC: What’s one message you want to share with readers as we prepare to enter 2023?

据美国总统 & 首席执行官弗兰克·拉·萨拉 -马尼拉

FL: 我们公司将庆祝成立50周年th 明年周年纪念, and we’re planning to salute our rich history and pay respect to the leaders and colleagues who built this firm from the ground up. I believe the best way we can honor that legacy is by acting now to accelerate our evolution and position 存 for a new era of industry leadership.


存总裁、首席执行官 & 导演

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